Το βίντεο που προκάλεσε ερωτήματα μεταφρασμένο στα ελληνικά.
Διαμαρτυρήθηκε ο εμπνευστής και υπεύθυνος του
περιεχομένου Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, πρόεδρος των σοσιαλδημοκρατών και τέως
υπουργός στην Πορτογαλία
το βίντεο που ενόχλησε την κυβέρνηση της κας Μέρκελ και τον Υπουργό Οικονομικών
της, τον κ Σόιμπλερ. Αποτέλεσμα της παρέμβασης Μέρκελ ήταν να διαμαρτυρηθεί
ο Πορτογάλος εμπνευστής του. Έχει ιδιαίτερη αξία διότι καταδεικνύει ότι το
οικονομικό πρόβλημα που βιώνει η χώρα μας αφορά την Πορτογαλία, αλλά και ολόκληρο τον ευρωπαϊκό νότο και άρα
χρειάζονται πολιτικές που θα ελέγχουν τους μηχανισμούς που οδηγούν τους λαούς της ευρωπαϊκής ηπείρου στην εξαθλίωση μέσω της λιτότητας που επιβάλλει η σκληρή πολιτική της νεοφιλελεύθερης
ευρωπαϊκής δεξιάς, κάτι που από τα ελληνικά κόμματα ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ προβάλλει έντονα,
ως αξιωματική αντιπολίτευση, προς κάθε κατεύθυνση.
είναι οι διάλογοι που ακολουθούν στο διαδίκτυο, που ανηρτήθη το βίντεο, από το οποίο άντλησα την είδηση, αλλά
και η πρωτοβουλία του Έλληνα Χάρη Αργυρόπουλου, που αξίζει συγχαρητηρίων.
Ο Χάρης Αργυρόπουλος,
που επεξεργάστηκε στην ελληνική γλώσσα και μεταφόρτωσε στο διαδίκτυο το επίμαχο
βίντεο λέει τα παρακάτω:
ιδιαίτερα μεγάλου ενδιαφέροντος αποφάσισα να επεξεργαστώ ξανά το γερμανικό βίντεο για την Πορτογαλία και
να ενσωματώσω τους ελληνικούς υπότιτλους σε υψηλή ανάλυση. Πρόκειται για το
βίντεο, του οποίου την προβολή εμπόδισε η γερμανική κυβέρνηση ως "πολιτικά
επιζήμιου", με αποτέλεσμα να διαμαρτυρηθεί ο εμπνευστής και υπεύθυνος για
το βίντεο Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, πρόεδρος των σοσιαλδημοκρατών και τέως
υπουργός στην Πορτογαλία στην Γερμανική Πρεσβεία στη Λισαβώνα, δηλώνοντας, πως
δεν πρόκειται να κάνει πίσω και πως είναι αποφασισμένος να δείξει το βίντεο στο
γερμανικό λαό, στον οποίο και απευθύνεται.
Αυτό που φαίνεται καθαρά: Η Ελλάδα δεν είναι η μόνη
χώρα που έχουν στοχοποιήσει... Τα ίδια μέτρα, τα ίδια επιχειρήματα, οι ίδιες
μέθοδοι ! Πώς λοιπόν να το παρουσιάσουν στο γερμανικό λαό που τον θέλουν να
τρώει κουτόχορτο και τον βομβαρδίζουν καθημερινά με ένα σωρό ψέματα
δημιουργώντας τα γνωστά στερεότυπα για τους τεμπέληδες του Νότου ;
Ενδιαφέρουσα σχετικά όσον αφορά την Ελλάδα η
συνέντευξη του οικονομικού ιστοριογράφου Albrecht Ritschl στο περιοδικό
"Spiegel": http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/soziales/euro-krise-deutschland-ist-der-groe...
επισημάνσεις "Μου αρέσει", 20 επισημάνσεις "Δεν μου αρέσει"
απόλυτα. Άν γίνεται ας αναφερθεί, πως μετά τον υποτιτλισμό οι θεάσεις αυξήθηκαν
ραγδαία κι έχουμε ήδη ξεπεράσει τις 110.000 !!! Όπως επίσης σημαντικό είναι ν'
αναφερθεί πως ξεκίνησε και διάλογος μεταξύ Ελλήνων και Γερμανών, ακόμα και άν
αυτός δεν γίνεται πάντα με επιχειρήματα και όσο πολιτισμένα θα ώφειλε...
Σού αξίζει ένα
"Εύγε" για την ενεργοποίησή σου και για το επίπεδο τής Ελληνικής
Γλώσσας στους υπότιτλους. Σού εύχομαι δύναμη και όνειρα...
Σ' ευχαριστώ
πολύ. Χαίρομαι που η δουλειά μου έγινε αφορμή για έναν πρώτο διάλογο μεταξύ
Γερμανών κι Ελλήνων, όπου έστω και με αυτά τα στερεότυπα που ακούγονται,
αποκαλύπτεται ο τρόπος που τα ΜΜΕ έχουν διαμορφώσει τα δήθεν "αντίπαλα
στρατόπεδα". Θέλω να πιστεύω πως τα επιχειρήματα είναι με το μέρος μας και
δεν έχουμε κανένα λόγο να χρησιμοποιούμε αφορισμούς. Αρκεί να προσπαθήσουμε να
καταλάβουμε τους λόγους της υπεροψίας του μέσου Γερμανού και να του εξηγήσουμε
το λάθος του.
never paid in full war compensations owed to Greece, not even repaid the loan
which took from Greece during the nazi occupation period.
Ο Γερμανός Ιστορικός
Οικονομολόγος Albrecht Ritschl παραδέχεται σε συνέντευξη στο περιοδικό
Spiegel, πως "Η Γερμανία είναι ο αυτοκράτορας του χρέους: Υπολογίζοντας το
μέγεθος της ζημιάς σε σχέση με την απόδοση της οικονομίας η Γερμανία είναι ο
μεγαλύτερος παραβάτης χρέους του 20ου αιώνα -άν όχι της νεότερης οικονομικής
μάλλον εσύ
είσαι αυτός που κατασπαράζεις το κράτος, πως μιλάς εξ όνοματος άλλων φίλε; με
ποιά ιδίοτητα; προσεχε λοιπόν όταν πας να ρίξεις ψήφο να κοιτάς τι
ρίχνεις..είμαι σίγουρος πως απο συνήθεια ψηφίζεις οτι ψηφίζεις, αν ωστόσο έχω
κάνει λάθος στην πρόβλεψη,... ζητώ συγνώμη
στο όνειρό σου φίλε μου..
Οταν οι
Γερμανοι εστησαν στο εκτελεστικο αποσπασμα την Ηρώ κωνσταντοπούλου μόλις 17
χρονων, η Ηρω φωναξε στους υπολοιπους που ηταν μαζι της...."Τι περιμενετε
μωρε? ειναι 30 κι ειμαστε 50, ας τους ριχτουμε κι οτι βγει" Τι περιμενουμε
κι εμεις τωρα? Πιο κατω δεν εχει. ΑΠΟΚΛΕΙΣΜΟ απο καθε τι Γερμανικο. Κλειστα τα
συνορα για τους Γερμανους τουριστες. Μποϋκοταζ σε καθε τι φερει την ετικετα
της Γερμανιας. Εχουμε μεγαλη δυναμη. Και στην τελικη...εχουμε ενα μεγαλο
ατου..δεν εχουμε τιποτε αλλο να χασουμε
Great video...
ενημερώσω οτι το φόντο είναι το Μνημείο Vasco Da Gamma (στο Belem) αφιερωμένο
στους εξερευνητές και θαλασσοπόρους , ονειροπόλους ενός καλύτερου αύριο. Μια
πάστα ανθρώπων που αγνοούν οι Ούννοι...
Εχουμε χυσει
αιμα τοσα χρονια στη δουλεια στον ιδιωτικο τομεα στην Ελλαδα! Και δεν ειναι
αποδοση αυτο??
Αν δε μας ετρωγαν οσα δικαιουμαστε, μπορει να
ειχαμε πλουτισει!
Εγω προσωπικα δεν εχω κατασπαραξει κανενα κρατος,
οπως και το υπολοιπο 80% του λαου!! Αν το εκανες εσυ, συγχαρητηρια!!
Μακαρι να μπορουσα να το κανω τωρα οπως μου το
κανει τοσα χρονια!
ναι οκ παιζει
στην Ελλάδα να δουλεύουμε περισσότερες ώρες αλλά όλη ξέρουμε ότι δεν είναι
αποδοτική δουλειά... αλλιώς θα είχαμε πλουτήσει προ πολλού. Παράλληλα έχουμε
κατασπαράξει το κράτος και το κατηγορούμε κιόλας
γαμω τα σκατα
που σας προβαλλουν,γαμω τα μιση σας ρε πουστη μου,αντι οι λαοι να υποστηριζουν
ο ενας τον αλλον,ο ενας βριζει τον αλλον,εχθρος μας δεν ειναι κανενας γερμανος
και κανενας αμερικανος η ισραιλινος μικρομεσεος,εχθρος μας ειναι αυτοι που μας
θελουν να παλευουμε μεταξυ μας που μας φανατιζουν και μας
προπαγανδιζουν...PEACE,LOVE AND UNITY
Τα video που
αφορούν τις συνθήκες στις χώρες του Νότου απαγορεύονται και λογοκρίνονται στην
Γερμανία, διότι προφανώς στα συμφέροντα κάποιων είναι να μην είμαστε συμπαθείς
στη μεσαία γερμανική τάξη .
u still dont
answer.. are u german?it was the same germans believing the aryan bullshit they
themselves invented.as about israel.yes, fuck u and fuck
israel and fuck all the warcriminals and warlovers
Οταν οι Γερμανοι εστησαν στο εκτελεστικο αποσπασμα την Ηρώ
κωνσταντοπούλου μόλις 17 χρονων, η Ηρω φωναξε στους υπολοιπους που ηταν μαζι
της...."Τι περιμενετε μωρε? ειναι 30 κι ειμαστε 50, ας τους ριχτουμε κι οτι
βγει" Τι περιμενουμε κι εμεις τωρα? Πιο κατω δεν εχει. ΑΠΟΚΛΕΙΣΜΟ απο καθε
τι Γερμανικο. Κλειστα τα συνορα για τους Γερμανους τουριστες. Μποϋκοταζ σε καθε
τι φερει την ετικετα της Γερμανιας. Εχουμε μεγαλη δυναμη. Και στην
τελικη...εχουμε ενα μεγαλο ατου..δεν εχουμε τιποτε αλλο να χασουμε
Great video...
Τρομερό.Να ενημερώσω οτι το φόντο είναι το Μνημείο Vasco Da Gamma (στο
Belem) αφιερωμένο στους εξερευνητές και θαλασσοπόρους , ονειροπόλους ενός
καλύτερου αύριο.Μια πάστα ανθρώπων που αγνοούν οι Ούννοι...
ναι οκ παιζει στην Ελλάδα να δουλεύουμε περισσότερες ώρες αλλά όλη
ξέρουμε ότι δεν είναι αποδοτική δουλειά... αλλιώς θα είχαμε πλουτήσει προ
πολλού. Παράλληλα έχουμε κατασπαράξει το κράτος και το κατηγορούμε κιόλας
Εχουμε χυσει αιμα τοσα χρονια στη δουλεια στον ιδιωτικο τομεα στην
Ελλαδα!Και δεν ειναι αποδοση αυτο??
Αν δε μας ετρωγαν οσα δικαιουμαστε, μπορει να
ειχαμε πλουτισει!
Εγω προσωπικα δεν εχω κατασπαραξει κανενα κρατος,
οπως και το υπολοιπο 80% του λαου!! Αν το εκανες εσυ, συγχαρητηρια!!
Μακαρι να μπορουσα να το κανω τωρα οπως μου το
κανει τοσα χρονια!
μάλλον εσύ είσαι αυτός που κατασπαράζεις το κράτος, πως μιλάς εξ
όνοματος άλλων φίλε; με ποιά ιδίοτητα; προσεχε λοιπόν όταν πας να ρίξεις ψήφο
να κοιτάς τι ρίχνεις..είμαι σίγουρος πως απο συνήθεια ψηφίζεις οτι ψηφίζεις, αν
ωστόσο έχω κάνει λάθος στην πρόβλεψη,... ζητώ συγνώμη
γαμω τα σκατα που σας προβαλλουν,γαμω τα μιση σας ρε πουστη μου,αντι οι
λαοι να υποστηριζουν ο ενας τον αλλον,ο ενας βριζει τον αλλον,εχθρος μας δεν
ειναι κανενας γερμανος και κανενας αμερικανος η ισραιλινος μικρομεσεος,εχθρος
μας ειναι αυτοι που μας θελουν να παλευουμε μεταξυ μας που μας φανατιζουν και
μας προπαγανδιζουν...PEACE,LOVE AND UNITY
Καλά....ζήσε στο όνειρό σου φίλε μου..
Τα video που αφορούν τις συνθήκες στις χώρες του Νότου απαγορεύονται και
λογοκρίνονται στην Γερμανία, διότι προφανώς στα συμφέροντα κάποιων είναι να
μην είμαστε συμπαθείς στη μεσαία γερμανική τάξη .
Σας ξεφτιλίζουν και οι Πορτογάλοι! Ήσασταν, είστε, και θα είστε ο πιο
μισητός λαός της Ευρώπης κωλογερμανοί!
Να μην αγοράζει κανείς γερμανικά προϊόντα κανείς
Ηταν πολυ καλο και σαν βιντεο πρωτοτυπο και πολυ καλα δοσμένο. Εκτιμω
ιδιαίτερα και τον δικο σου κόπο και απασχόληση να το υποτιτλήσεις και να το
συγχαρητηρια για το βιντεο που ανεβασες...ειναι γεγονος πως η γερμανια
αναπτυχθηκε μετα τον 2ο ΠΠ με τις πλατες των ΗΠΑ...και ουσιαστικα με τη παροδο
του χρονου εφτασε να αιχμαλωτισει οικονομικα πολλες χωρες...οπως η χωρα μας(οι
3000+ αυτοκτονιες ειναι το πιο τραγικο για μια χωρα με τοση
ηλιοφανεια).greetings from greece to spain,portugal and italy...
Ok, so it is the fault of the Germans, that Portugal did not build there
Stadiums, Electro Stations etc. with portugese companies?
Come on, get real!
are u german? common get cancer!!!! we dont need u, scum of this world.
2 worldwars? holocausts? genocides? and now financial (and not only) fascism
all over europe? please! u should die in fire for ur crimes. and ur fathers
crimes. and their fathers crimes
Very intelligent answer! Why don't you crall back under the stone you came from?
was it an answer? it was a question dear aryan scum. and it was
"are u a german?". btw if yes, u crawled (thats the way to spell it)
out of a stone, tree or whatever along with ur nonexistant history and
It speaks for your intelligence to name me an aryan and posting hate
posts against Israel in other post you have made. How old are you? 14?
u still dont answer.. are u german?it was the same germans believing the
aryan bullshit they themselves invented.as about israel.yes, fuck u
and fuck israel and fuck all the warcriminals and warlovers
Συμφωνώ απόλυτα. Άν γίνεται ας αναφερθεί, πως μετά τον υποτιτλισμό οι
θεάσεις αυξήθηκαν ραγδαία κι έχουμε ήδη ξεπεράσει τις 110.000 !!! Όπως επίσης
σημαντικό είναι ν' αναφερθεί πως ξεκίνησε και διάλογος μεταξύ Ελλήνων και
Γερμανών, ακόμα και άν αυτός δεν γίνεται πάντα με επιχειρήματα και όσο
πολιτισμένα θα ώφειλε...
Αν βγήκαν Πορτογάλοι και έφτιαξαν αυτό το Video,εμείς οι Έλληνες τι θα
έπρεπε να φτιάξουμε;Αλλα ποιος να ασχοληθεί τώρα.ΩΧ ΑΔΕΡΦΕ ΜΟΥ...Ποιος
προλαβαίνει από της φραπεδιές και τα μπουζούκια;
Αλλα αυτό το περιμένεις από έναν Λαό που η γλώσσα
του έχει λιγότερα λήμματα στο Wikipedia από την Τουρκικη.Και αν τους πεις και
κάτι σου λένε ότι είναι Αναξιόπιστο το Wikipedia!Μα το Wikip. το κάνουν οι
Χρηστες του ρε πονηροί!
Συγχαρητήρια στους Πορτογάλους,θα τα καταφέρουν
γιατί σέβονται την Χωρα τους.
Ο καθενας μας ειναι πλουσιος αν εχει ενα πιατο φαϊ!!
Μπράβο!!για την δουλεία σου με τους υπότιτλους
ΓΕΓΟΝΟΣ: Με τη μόνη χώρα που ΔΕΝ υπέγραψε σύμφωνο ειρήνης η Γερμανία,
είναι η Ελλάδα! Ο λόγος; Αν υπογραφεί αυτό το σύμφωνο, αυτομάτως η Γερμανία
πρέπει να πληρώσει τις πολεμικές αποζημιώσεις! Δεν το έβγαλα από το "ακατοίκητό"
μου...Το είπε ο Μανώλης Γλέζος στον Ράϊχενμπαχ!
Und nun sollen die deutschen Schuld sein? So einfach ist das? So werden die
Griechen nie aufhören steuern zu hinterziehen und ihren Staat auszunutzen.
Die Deutschen? Meinst du das Volk?
Nein! Sie sind nicht Schuldig.
Aber versuch mal z.B. die DDR ohne das Verschwinden
der Schulden oder wenn der den Marschall Plan nie Deutschland erreicht hätte!
Wenn Kohl nicht gesagt hätte: Deutschland schuldet
nichts mehr!
Was wäre passiert?
Hat Deutschland seine Schulden verschwinden lassen und
die EU hat auch noch zugestimmt?
Stimmt all das was im Video gesagt wird?
Denk mal nach!
Oder hat GR mehr CD´s mit Steuerhinterzieher als
Denk nach!
it's not Germany's fault for our mess but the Germans should be more
restrained about the Greek people and the debt,since Germany is as guilty as
hell about many issues refering to Greek (and not only) economy
Ο ορισμός της φράσης ''σφάζω με το βαμβάκι''...Μπράβο στους
Πορτογάλους!Μπράβο και σε εσένα Χάρη που το μεταγλώττισες!Άντε να πάρουμε και
καμιά ιδέα...
All thinking people from all countries should prepare videos like this,
and make sure the German people will get the opportunity to watch them. In
Greece, in any case, we need to follow this good example and prepare with our
facts and data the same type of information for all Europeans and Greeks to see
and act accordingly.
WW3: Banks instead of tanks
Σού αξίζει ένα "Εύγε" για την ενεργοποίησή σου και για το
επίπεδο τής Ελληνικής Γλώσσας στους υπότιτλους. Σού εύχομαι δύναμη και
Σ' ευχαριστώ πολύ. Χαίρομαι που η δουλειά μου έγινε αφορμή για έναν
πρώτο διάλογο μεταξύ Γερμανών κι Ελλήνων, όπου έστω και με αυτά τα στερεότυπα
που ακούγονται, αποκαλύπτεται ο τρόπος που τα ΜΜΕ έχουν διαμορφώσει τα δήθεν
"αντίπαλα στρατόπεδα". Θέλω να πιστεύω πως τα επιχειρήματα είναι με
το μέρος μας και δεν έχουμε κανένα λόγο να χρησιμοποιούμε αφορισμούς. Αρκεί να
προσπαθήσουμε να καταλάβουμε τους λόγους της υπεροψίας του μέσου Γερμανού και
να του εξηγήσουμε το λάθος του.
"Αρκεί να προσπαθήσουμε να καταλάβουμε τους λόγους της υπεροψίας
του μέσου Γερμανού και να του εξηγήσουμε το λάθος του."
χαχαχα Πολύ καλό! Το άλλο με τον Τοτό το ξέρεις;;
Petersen Panagiotopoulos σε απάντηση προς Charis Argyropoulos (Εμφάνιση του σχολίου) πριν από 3 ώρες
OXI ΜΠΙΝΕΛΙΚΙΑ,ΠΑΙΔΙΑ..!!..Είναι ανέξοδα,δεν βοηθάνε,χειροτερεύουν την
κατάσταση..Αντιπαράθεση..με ΛΟΓΟ και ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΑ...Μπορούμε,ακόμα και στα
εγγλέζικα!..Πρέπει να μας ενδιαφέρει να ενημερώσουμε τον κόσμο..
Α'Ι'ΝΤΕ,ΓΕΡΑ !!..(κι αν τελικά δεν τα
καταφέρουμε,ραντεβού.....στα συσσίτια..!..).
spain,greeece,italy,ireland,portugal,malta,iceland,serbia,russia etc
we will fuck nazi germany again
Όσοι πατήσανε like να πεθάνουνε με φρικτούς πόνους...
euxomai n pethaneis apo kopsimo
Κώλο δίνεις?
Γιατί ρε γίγαντα ;;;..Ρίξε μια εξήγηση,να την συζητήσουμε..
Μπράβο, πολύ καλό!!!
Germany never paid in full war compensations owed to Greece, not even
repaid the loan which took from Greece during the nazi occupation period.
Ο Γερμανός Ιστορικός Οικονομολόγος Albrecht Ritschl παραδέχεται σε
συνέντευξη στο περιοδικό Spiegel, πως "Η Γερμανία είναι ο αυτοκράτορας του
χρέους: Υπολογίζοντας το μέγεθος της ζημιάς σε σχέση με την απόδοση της
οικονομίας η Γερμανία είναι ο μεγαλύτερος παραβάτης χρέους του 20ου αιώνα -άν
όχι της νεότερης οικονομικής ιστορίας."
ε βέβαια είναι πιο εύκολο να βάλουν τους λαούς να τσακώνονται μεταξύ
τους φορτώνοντας ο ένας τον άλλο τις ευθύνες για την σημερινή οικονομική
κατάσταση, ώστε να ξεφύγει της προσοχής όλων μας πως υπεύθυνοι για όλη αυτή
την κρίση είναι οι τράπεζες , οι αγορές δηλαδή και τα πολιτικά τους φερέφωνα.
Το 3:48 είναι όλα τα λεφτά! Οι εξαγωγές της Γερμανίας στην Πορτογαλία
υπερδιπλασιάστηκαν και η ανεργία στην Πορτογαλία εκτοξεύτηκε!
mpravo poly kalh doyleia!!
Παιδια αναβεστε τα σχολια σας στο original video αυτο ειναι ειδικα
επεξεργασμενο στα ελληνικα τσαμπα τα λετε.
Γερμανια... οτι κ να κανει αυτος ο λαος μια ζωη αποτυχημενος θα ειναι κ
οι ολες οι προσπαθειες του θα καταρεουν στο τελος. Η ιστορια επαναλαμβανεται...
@Sufkopp82 This enrages me. Germans
executed entire populations of villages during the WW2.
Thousands of children died during the Big Hunger in Athens. War is cruel but
there is no match for German cruelty towards the Greek people during those years.
Your comment was uninformed, inhuman and insensitive in the least.
Siemens, submarines, german luxury cars, tax evasion, corrupt governments
and DEBT all this happened ironically at Portugal and Greece ...
Eventually the year 2004 blame for everything ...!!
πειτε τα !
@Charis θα μπορούσες να προσθέσεις στην περιγραφή και το πρωτότυπο
βίντεο, αυτό που απαγορεύτηκε στη Γερμανία; Αυτή τη στιγμή είμαι με γερμανική
IP και δεν έχω κάποιο πρόβλημα παρακολούθησης, θέλω να δω τί συμβαίνει και στο
αρχικό βίντεο.
Greece + Portugal must resist to the Nazis. Brother in Arms
against the NWO.
i am afraid we can no longer resist. we lost our chance . IMF EU
and NWO are here now . but we will try.as for the germans let them try live for
a year with 580 euros basic salary. they call us lazy.we work more .they call
us freeloaders.we are not ! germany has still to pay war damages from WWII .
they refused to pay their debts at 1990 as the video very well underlines !
they are taking advantage of us making us their slaves and in the end they
point fingers !how much is their deficit ?
and Spain and Italy and Ireland and Chypre and France very soon...
the Germans were being punished for almost half a century for their
faults and yet when they reunified, they started doing the same mistakes as
before. Not with guns and nazis but with fucking idiotic economic policies and
by humiliating those who bought their products (GR, IRE, SPA, POR, ITA).
You germans are fucking stupid...
when it was about the nazis you could see the enemy. in front
of you. now the enemy is practically invisible .
Germany has denied and erased its debt 2 times already!
maybe you are just too stupid to buy them.
stefan you're right ...thats the answer..
con. Its our security and the future of our children.
If southerners devalue, they are mostly losing debts, while we are losing
wealth. Unlike what you may believe we face our fair share of hardships as well
and worked hard for what we got. The situation is personal for us as well. And
thats what you fail to understand, we arent just cheap, we are afraid for our
And those kinds of feelings breed anger and resentment
rather easily.
bitch please ...
Thank you for the video. Is it German? It's urgent to translate it
in english!
Καμία διαφορά μ΄αυτό που συνέβη και στην Ελλάδα !
Toulaxiston emetiko.
Πολυ καλο............ Ετσι ακριβως.........
4 Germans didn't like the BITTER TRUTH..... We'll sure pay taxes for that
Διαπιστώνω ότι ο ιμπεριαλισμός του Χίτλερ ζει και βασιλεύει εις βάρος
της ανθρωπότητας. Μόνο που τώρα τα στρατόπεδα συγκέντρωσης είναι ολόκληροι
λαοί στον τόπο τους, με την ψευδαίσθηση της ελευθερίας και της ισότητας. Ζούμε
στην πατρίδα μας, λεηλατημένοι απο τον οικονομικό πόλεμο των Γερμανών. Αϊ
σιχτίρ από κεί δαίμονες της μισανθρωπίας και της κατατροφής!
I don't know a lot about the problems of Portugal and Spain. But they
are in whole different situation than Greece. That's for sure. And there are
people in Germany that have to live with less than 500 Euros a month.
Ευχαριστουμε κ Χαρη
my friend, truth hurts !
always did !
always will do !
Great video and so true!!I guess german officials don't like the
truth,or do not want their people to learn about the truth...
Ευχαριστώ πολύ για το upload,πολύ ωραίο βίντεο!
Πολύ ωραίο το βίντεο. Το δυστύχημα είναι ότι και να το δουν οι γερμανοί
σιγά μη το καταλάβουν.. δεν είμαστε μόνο εμείς τα πρόβατα.
Να σαι καλά και ευχαριστούμε για τη μεταγλώττιση!
Αυτό το σχόλιο έχει λάβει πολλές αρνητικές ψήφους εμφάνιση
Yeah, the people never wanted or needed any handouts. The people never
agreed to that. So either stop eating propaganda with a spoon, or stop talking
about things you never had a clue about. Same thing is happening in a lot of
countries, and it is not the countries fault. Even Germany is owned by
banks, like everybody else, and the sooner you undestand that, the better. In a
world where money is power , the banks that lend money to nations own and rule
everything .Modern war is waged by debt .
Why don't you germans try to live with 500 euro per month??
Quite frankly because we dont have to. But there are also countries who
earn a lot less than you guys do and still support you. I still
remember when Greece used to be dirt cheap but then within a few years you
raised your living standard way beyond your means and thats a problem.
Well ''quite frankly'', you don't have to, just because some other
countries have been driven down to the point to make a living with as much.
Your nation, ''quite frankly'' and without any demeaning or derogatory sense,
has a tradition in losing wars and yet emerge fully replenished thanks to
war-looting, huge loans, foreign support, peripheral markets and abudnant
workforce. SO please when you refer to means and to the past, don't forget your
own past which hasn't been so virtuous either...
Two times with the last time being almost 70 years is a rather odd
tradition. And I wasnt talking about a long distant past but a few years ago.
Anyway we have rebuild with a lot less than you guy got now or the Brits got
back then. And we did better. But then none of it does really matter for
the issue at hand, since I am and pretty much almost all Germans alive are not
more to blame for the Holocaust or the second world war as any other person who
didnt had a part in it.
What you call 'alot less than what we got'' I call thousands of tons of
gold ripped away from France,Spain,Greece etc worth more than a trillion of
today's dollars. What you call 'The Holocaust' referring to a weak
spot in current german people's memory, some people call it genocide and still
feel its decimating consequences in their societies. And yes, you really are
both innocent and clueless about the past. No matter how much of a bliss this
could be though, you can't use it against the truth
I am innocent regarding my countrys past but I am certainly not
oblivious to it. And yes some people still suffer consquences because of the
war and we are among them. And they will have to deal with it just like us.
About the gold: we dont have it, we were about as broken as it gets
after the war. And besides we didnt took much gold from Greece to begin with,
since your people brought most of it before the surrender to Britain.
I'm terribly sorry, it's completely futile when I have to answer to
someone who considers 'besides we didn't take much gold from Greece' to be an
argument. In my perspective,talking about laying hands on somebody else's
property,freedon,life,history...even thinking about doing it,is a crime and
beyond contempt. What fears me most is not ignorance. It's that when Germans
exhibit the voluntary attempt to join the ''ranks of victims'',they go
nationwidely berzerk and comit crimes against humanity
It isnt an argument but a fact, one not terribly wide known in Greece I may
add. Just like the we werent allowed to keep the gold we took.
Your perspective doesnt really matter, the same is
true for me as well. Our values are largely based upon the experiences the
people of Europe made during the world wars. We cant judge those actions by our
modern standards.
I agree but I find it very convenient to be used on this
context.Although virtue and moral value ought to be timeless I didn't judge
contemporary people. I didn't even call modern Greeks to be victims because
largely they're not.We caused it all to ourselves as in
okey,there may be the most corrupted european goverment bribing 'you'(poor
Greek citizen/politician) to overbuy stuff by siemens,but in the end it is
'you' who buy them. The big picture remains,large scale theft did take place
We dont have much of an issue with corruption, however some may say our
policy was a little bit racist.. Bribing used to be legal, you could even get
tax cuts for it, however it was only allowed in societies which where deemed
inherently corrupt. The truth is many of those officials expected some sort of
gratification. Its not like we brough corruption to those shores, we
adapted to the local customs.
What you are ready to adopt,you are also destined to exeed.Now I won't
go into criticizing a society that rewards bribing.It demonstrates beautifully
the underlying down to the core corruption.I don't see by default racism in
bribing.I certainly disagree with what you tend to belive
about''gratifying''politicians who played along.It was a cut-edge
straightfoward policy and an understandable one too,what german goverment wouldn't
promote its #1 private sponsor.
friend, fellow european, you should reel in those 'inherently corrupt'
ideas, still festering in your mind. you are treading down a treacherous
path...you should know. some times 'our' past comes back to haunt us...let's
cut to the chase, though. do you have any serious objections
to the points put forward in the video? you do understand that is a matter of
hypocrisy, first and foremost. 'lazy' vs. 'industrious', 'corrupt' vs.
'virtuous' etc, especially when the actual facts down pan out.
by the way, i believe that you are aware of the terms of 1953 london
debt agreement, greece being one of the counter-parties which agreed to
virtually wipe out german debt to the tune of 50-60%. it would explain to a
large degree the 'german miracle'. so please before trying to defend, i don't
know what really, check your facts. cheers, fellow european brother. a 'lazy'
greek, who has been unemployed for 2 years.
It's too pity... you haven't understand anything watching this video!!!! And
talking about "evil" . just read the history of the 2 WW!!!!!!!!!
I understood perfectly well, I just happend to disagree with the implied
And I have read enough about the second world war to
know that all sides engaged in atrocities. Not that it would matter, since as I
already stated the current generation is about as "guilty" as
everyone else.
After the world war II germany owned 38,8 billions marks and there was
NO CHANCE AT ALL tha this coumtry would survive unless there was a HUGE debt
delete.And guess what! There was indeed (62,2%!!).So germany semmed to have all
the prospects for euro-american free handouts.Maybe it was highly appreciated
that germany had already caused two world wars so far.And it certainly looks
like it's going to cause and another one now.
Half of Europe: Holland, Finland and... maybe Slowakia or anything they
decided to call them after socialism was over. You are a pathetic little
looser, you and everyone in your country, who believe you actually ''hand out''
money. It is not handing out,it is freaking lending money that you end up
borrowing for almost 0 interest rate (and that because you and the ''half of
Europe'' created a situation of insecurity) with really high interest. This is called Zinswucher.
And your precious manipulative Ostblock-Nutte persuaded the people,
using a horrendous media propaganda, that you give money to those who ''never
work'', ''who always have fun'', ''lay on the beach drinking ouzo/madeira
wine'' and all the sh....t Bild and other Göbbels-inspirated newspapers
write. And all that, while it is officially known from some politicians of
yours, that you have made a load of money because of the greek-südländer
Are you done? The free hand out comment was referring to the loan but
our past policies regarding the Union and their predecessor organisations. And
its not Zinswucher but a high risk investment and for the risk involved its not
nearly high enough, because we all know we are going to lose this money. But hey
if you dislike our conditions dont take our money. Seriously dont take it!
We dont need you or the Euro, our products will always
find its market.
I am wondering how much did the Union pay for the american protectorate
of BRD and the russian one of DDR to be united again. I am wondering
how much did you have to pay for cold-blood murdering 60 mill. of people and
how much you actually paid for it. Unfortunately for you, it is Zinswucher. No
matter what it is usurious interest rates especially when your defaming
campagne created serious insecurity against euro. High risk investment, my ass.
Our net contributions by far outweighed the money we got back for the
former DDR. But yeah its another burden we have to carry. We payed a lot
for the second world war in every possible sense of the word, too much if you
ask me. The reparations were too high and in the end the allies agreed.
I kinda agree with it not being a high risk investment
but I thought it sounds nicer than flushing it down the toilet. The process is
not supposed to be easy for you, it should hurt.
Do you understand that we are tlaking about people here?Countries are
not companies! Countries which are supposed to support each other, do so! You
are thieves with fancy clothes and nothing more. And do not tell you are losing
money cause a little birdy of the Wirtschftsministerium told you have have
actually won billions out of the greek crisis, for witch you are
partly responsible (after all it is a common currency here).
Unfortunately for us, our politicians are being manipulated into
accepting the loans plus they are afraid of taking responsibility of
insolvency. I do remember though, that your media and politicians spread a
horrible propaganda against the left party of greece and Tsipras, who should
not be elected. I am wondering why you did not want so..
And you do need the euro.Your exports have already been reduced and a
new expensive currency, like a new mark, will have to be terribly devalued in
order to make your products competitive. Plus, if the european or global
economy collapses, you will either have no market to be found or yours will
collapse to, so you will not have any product to sell. Mate, this german
arrogance of yours has destroyed the world once. Do not let that happen
again!!!!! Learn from your past!!!
We could buy other currencies and invest in resources, education and
infrastructure again, it would cause some problems at first but in the end we
would be stronger than before. Our next big market will be in Asia anyway.
There isnt much of an alternative anyway or do you
really think lending you more money so you can buy our products would solve
..ok m8,we don't need you too,but before we leave Euro,pay us back the
loan that Hitler took from my country (all the gold that Greece had and it's
about 15 billion euro's if we plus the interest,today's money ) with out asking
anyone ofcourse..and i am not taliking about compensation about the war,but for
a LOAN and money your goverment took from theGREEK PEOPLE and used it for weapons
and to rebuilt YOUR country..i don't blame Germany for our mess,BUT you have no
right talking to us about it
We consider the "loan" to be part of the war damages, which
means you will get it back when hell freezes over. Your gold is in Great Britain
and I mean literally, its still yours, we didnt take it.
..ofcourse you do!This is what a proper immoral person and people should
do : "consider the "loan" to be part of the war damages"
!!! So,no harm done,since the "damages" concern another country.That
explains exactly your behaviour and your countrie's behaviour...cause if I was
in your place,i would be ashamed,YOU are justifying your country's mistakes
(crimes,if i want to be fair) and you condemn the mistakes made by others.
The claims for reparations were abolished some time ago and your
politicians agreed. Besides its not like you didnt get anything at all. And
what mistakes exactly are we talking about here? We are not the same
system/country which fought in the second world war anymore, I wouldnt blame
Greeks for the things they did under their dictatorship either and that was way
more recently.
what politicians do has nothing to do with what's fair...as i said,your
way of thinking is totaly immoral.Greeks did NOTHING under their dictatorship
that infected the German people,neither back then,neither today,but your
grandfothers,did and justice never showed up.. for you there's no big deal,no
harm done since you "are not the same system,etch"..i don't care what
you are..i know that your country's debts to mine are erased and you are
clapping..that's what a proper thief should do
If you want to go down this road, why arent you bitching against Italy?
It wasnt "our" idea to attack Greece. My grandfathers paid a high
price both in blood and wealth for this war.
You Greeks shouldnt cry foul when it comes to
reparations, you literally joined ww1 in the last few days just to reap
benefits. So excuse me, if I dont exactly feel like I would owe you something.
i excuse you m8,i don't know if God has the same
opinion..take care
I am sure he does, after all we had "Gott mit uns"
on our belt buckles.
and now...you have much more..cheers
There are only two people who can tell you the truth about yourself - an
enemy who has lost his temper and a friend who loves you dearly....I wis you a
good life Saxo scum of Europe
Let me guess, you love me dearly...
Does IT Matter? the answer would be the same
Not really
Irony is wasted on the stupid
Indeed it is...
i'm glad that you agree
Of course I do
First thing bolsheviks did when they won the communist revolution,they
deleted all the MAFIA debts the Russia "owned" to the banks and the
other big loan sharks.The national debt is nothing but a tool,a fake excuse for
conquering nations and slavering their people.Brutal capitalism seems to suit
extremely well to germany.Guess what,you'll be defeated once more.Because you're so
cannibals,that you see Keyns as Marx.But there'll be no future for your big
fascist economical machine.Wait and see
I am trembling with fear... Will you speak on my behalf once the
revolution started?
You may want to check out the concept of "soziale
Marktwirtschaft" btw
your grandfathers, fathers, you and your children have paid nothing
yet. the case is still at the court
Thats untrue we payed some compensation, certainly not as much
as you hoped for but your politicians agreed with it.
But if you arent contend with it, you just have to
wait for the official peace treaty like it was agreed upon decades ago. But
then it could literally take forever...
you may ask yourself WHY is Germany ''helping''
scoundrel countries like Greece, Portugal etc.??
''Helping'' , of course, meaning giving loans with
high interests, and imposing very harsh terms on the people. of these
Is it out of the kindness of their
Perhaps you should do a little bit of reading ,
research etc. on WHICH country has actually benefited a lot since the euro was
introduced- and of course the way it was designed to fit the GERMAN economy.
We are helping you, because our politicians claim you would drag us down
with you, if we wouldnt. We are not risking so much money out of the kindness
of our hearts, we are no saints.
Maybe you should do the reading, we didnt really
benefit before the crisis and the Euro was forced upon us by the French. We
were against it and rightly so.
BTW it so is the other way around. If Greece, Spain and Portugal, maybe
Italy too, follow your little piece of advice and leave the euro-german
Sonderwirtschaftszone and start supporting each other,the euro crap is over.
You have an export oriented economy.Without eurozone,you are dead.Plain and
simple dead. God forbid, cause i am not so sure what kind of war you are going
to do then;the last serious financial crisis on german land costed the lives of
2,5%of earth's population.
Dear friend,see the video once more,please..Get some different
information also,apart of the mainstream.".free German handouts
"..??..Come on,no goverment give anything for free!!...Especially for us
Greeks down here,check out the "SIEMENS-Christoforakos"
case..Coraption of politicians,from both sides!!..We all know now,that Germany
makes BIG-BIG MONEY out of this mess..Worst thing of all ??..Dislike between
european citizens,while our problems and fears are common!
I already explained what I meant with free handouts and for the spare
change we are making now we will lose a tremendous amount of money in the
future. The deal isnt exactly a bargain for us. Or do you seriously think you
will ever be able to meet your obligations?
I am not saying we are entirely without fault. But I
am a little fed up with Greek attitude of blaming everyone but themselves,
its dishonest, pathetic and wont help you to fix your state.
my friend.i dont know you personally.but y are living in another era
from us.(us=south europe nations) propably you are a person which IN CONTRAST
WITH US has solved his personal problems.and which has met his goals and his
dreams for his future...you cannot understand the situation south
europe is now, because you had never been in something like that..so stop
talking about your historical and economical ideas...keep having a wealthy
life..and dont open your mouth telling that shits so easily..
Fine, lets talk about the emotional aspect for a moment... We Germans
arent overly emotional compared with most other people, we are hard working and
honest savers for the most part. The saving part is important, we dont go around
and waste or even properly invest it. In the beginning of the last century, we
lost several currencies in a row and the people had to start over from the
scratch everytime. We are very touchy when it comes to our currency, its not
just money to us. (con)
Do you really believe the rest of the world is not hard working and
honest? are we still discussing in that level? don't you see that this crisis
is a plot and an attack of the banking system? Germany just opened the door...
A little bit defensive, arent we? I was talking about my people no malice
And while speculation is a part of the problem, its
not its sole trigger. You have to face your own responsibility and change in
the right ways. The old system obviously didnt work out.
Το σχόλιο καταργήθηκε
Ο συντάκτης καταργήθηκε
Αυτό το περιεχόμενο έχει επισημανθεί ως ανεπιθύμητο εμφάνιση
Nobody asked from Germans money, Germans came and offered money,
threatening to throw them out of E.U if they don't get it, thus leaving
southern countries with no other option.
And the main reason why most southern countries
are sort of money is because Germany was "stealing" -in a way- money
from them all these decades.
Next time be more informed before u make a public
Bullshit, we cant throw anyone out of the Union. It simply doesnt work
this way. A real shortcoming of the treaties btw.
You are taking our money because no one with a
right mind is willing to lend you anymore, at least without ridiculously hig
We didnt steal your money nor are we to blame you guys
arent having an industry to speak of either. You simply arent competitive.
How about you informing yourself before trying to
school me?
my young friend, you repeat the television. the countries that are
called "not competitive" today, are the "european tigers"
of yesterday. if you want to support the banks with terms as "my
money" and "your money", get ready for the future because
Germany was not strong before the crisis. It got stronger suddenly, and suddenly
it will crash with these politics. All Europe is against the barbaric,
aggresive Germany and this means a lot more than a better interest today
not competitive...
The great adventure of sugar began in 2006, when Greece
accepted to reduce production by 320,000 tons per year to 158,000.
After the EU revised the Common Agricultural
Policy,and decided that the beet production will be limited to a narrow strip
between London and Prague,and it was decided that the European south lost.The
road to imports(Germany, France, England, etc.)has opened.Countries like
Bulgaria, Latvia, Slovenia, Ireland ceased production altogether.Others, (con)
(con) Others, such as Hungary, Spain and Italy, limited production . Up
until the year it was requested to implement European directives, the Greek
Sugar Industry was a healthy company, with modern manufacturing facilities,
zero debt and earnings in 2005 totaled 10 million euros. During the 3 years
2006-2009's the debts to the Agricultural bank reached 150.000.000 €. Today, while
the market rate is 8%, the bank lends the GSI by 12%. (con)
(con) 400,000 acres of beets -> 55,000, 1,320 permanent workers ->
428, 320,000 tons of production decreased to 35,000
Winners by this policy are Germany (with a market
share of 46%), France (18%) and England (11%). since u germans like numbers
looks at this example keep hiding behind your finger u r doing exactly what is
expected from you so that rich ppl are getting richer and poor poorer until
there is no middle class this is the plan just ask yourself on which side u r
and where u'll end up
With all due respect but agriculture isnt really what
I meant, when I was talking about an industry to speak of. But yes I am
absolutely for cutting EU regulations and subsidizing. Germany would actually
love to do it but France wont allow it.
Italy is the only southern nation with a real idustry.
Most of you were mostly content with agriculture and tourism. Which is fine as
long as you are cheap enough
Greeks are not Germans as Germans are not Greeks. Just as Europe is not
german, Germany is not Europe. Us Greeks we filled your museums with culture
and artifacts which most of them you stole. Germans brought to Greece 1.000.000
deads, 2.300 villages vanished, 40.000 Jews from Thessaloniki burned, after
being defeated while LEAVING you we destroying our transport network (2.000 km
train rails and stole all our train wagons), during the occupation you were
stealing all the food leading to 400.000
So what? Am I supposed to feel bad now? What kind of "argument" is
this? I didnt do anything to your country and the same is true for my fellow
citizens. And the war generation payed in their own way, since our country was
destroyed as well. Apart from all the actuall money we payed for compensation.
Germany hasn't paid a "dime" to Greece. A compensation was due
after the reunion of Germany which was never paid. Not even the
occupational loan Germany took from Greece. We don't want you to feel guilty. We require you to THINK.
Actually the compensation was due after a peace treaty and guess what we
still dont have it and we never will. Btw your politicians agreed to drop the
claims and its also untrue we didnt pay a dime, its a myth just like we stole
your gold. There is a good article about it, its called "Does Germany owe Greece
95 billion from ww2?"
i started writting an answer on "die welt" and compensations
and the same saying that came to my mind when i read your first comments popped into
my mind again...."on the deaf's door knock as much as you want". i do
have actually better things to do than argue with you with no results. All of
your answers show an attitude that there is no reason for me to try.
So you wont rip my arguments to shreds and leaving me crying like a little
bitch then...
You paid nothing as compensation towards Greece as you should, although
u paid to some other countries.
read my latest answer to kostmamakost
Αυτό το περιεχόμενο έχει επισημανθεί ως ανεπιθύμητο εμφάνιση
And something else as regards your ''And the war generation payed in their own
way, since our country was destroyed as well'' argument. ./care. It was
destroyed because of your own foolishness. And, no, the absolute calamity you
caused 60 years ago does not simply fade away, it's too early and i'm afraid
it's gonna haunt you for ever (and properly of course) :)
As you brought this crisis upon yourself. And while the second world war
escalated beyond any scale, should you have been aware of
most of the problems heading your way, I am talking about your systematical
errors here. Besides I didnt cause anything 60 years ago, just like you didnt
invent democracy. And as I already stated we also payed in money and industrial
goods, you just didnt get the fantasy numbers you hoped for.
And the Greek economy was destroyed by our own foolishness. When we were
turning the demagogue Andreas Papandreou into the leader of this country, when
we were watching the nationalization/shrinking of our great industries such as
Peiraeki Patraeki we thought there was no price to be paid.
There was a price. Quit blaming Germans. Stop dreaming
of the 80's return in the face of Tsipras. Just lay of a great number of government
employees (since the state is too poor to sustain them).
Hahahaha... One more media victim... Do you know that 1/3 of Greek dept
is for military equipment like the "broken submarines" that germans
sold to Greece? Do you know that Germans demand that we will NOT stop buying or
buy less equipment even in this crisis? Do you know that Germany has made a
profit o 90 bil euros from loans "helping lol" interests during
crisis? Do you know that germans that made Athenes airport and make money of it
havent paied 1 euro tax to Greek goverment? You know nothi
16 years making money from Athenes airport and not even 1 euro paied for
taxes.. Do you know that Siemens was stealing money from Greece bribing Greek
polititians since 1960 and now they protect Hristoforakos thats prooved to
be the master of this? Do you know that laws that german forces north counties
to change in their countries are illegal for the EU constitution?
You have no idea what you're talking about.
Greece has been getting exploited every since 1821.
Certain countries have been giving us loans in order
to profit from the interest rates.
I suppose you know that giving loans to someone is
good business. That's why banks are the wealthiest/most powerful institutions.
With that money, we would buy equipment that we won't
need from them.
So they've been profiting in manifold ways.
Wake the fuck up, stop blaming your own people
Who told you there are "too many" state employees?
Too many in comparison to what, exactly? I bet you
have no idea.
Also, "the state is too poor to sustain
them"? Can you even tell the difference between spending and
investing? Do you think companies "spend" money when they pay their
employess, or invest money? Once again,
wake up.
You seem not to understand one thing. None blames the Germans. But when
it comes to them being arrogant and disrespectful towards other nations during
hard economic times then the Germans have to face the truth don't you think? Of course
it's not the Germans' fault for this crisis like it is not any other nation's
fault. But Germans need to stop hating and being ironic to people from other
nations, because they are just as dirty (and even more) as the other 26
european nations.
Don't mix the general crisis with the Greek crisis. Greece' crisis is
totally homemade. By 5 families who robbed you. And you voted for them. Put those
5 families in jail, build up a yet non-existing civil society and Greece will
be fine in 10 years. And stop talking about "the Germans". Nobody
hates Greece or the Greeks in Germany. Go to Germany and make up your mind
yourself instead of believing the corrupt Greek media. The even don't
hate you after seeing their chancler dressed up as Hitler.
dead citizens of Athens from famine. And as if all of
these weren't enough while you were LEAVING again you blew up the Corinth Canal
and all the ports. Sank or stole the 72% of the Greek Merchant Navy, which was
the biggest world wide. And instead of coming back to Greece to build the
infrastucture you destroyed, the best Greek Labor came to Germany to built
Germany. 500.000 lazy Greeks and over 1.000.000 lazy Italians and over
1.000.000 lazy Spanish ppl came to built Germany with their LAZYNES
That is why Greeks cannot be Germans.That is why not even one Greek oven
for burning ppl exists.Greeks know how to make olive oil, tastefull fruit
juices, we know how to work on our land, and we work we work with our
hearts.That's why our products have taste.In that taste there is our sun, music,
hospitality and good heart...You have Siemens, BASF (IG Farben - Cyklon B),
submarines, industrial products and to sell them you force polititians to
corruption. And in bribing both sides are to blame.
my fellow european hardworking bully sry if it is not really
understandable but i'm a fellow europeam lazy charity receiver and i used
Ever heard of Siemens or the "Submarines that go only right"
scandals? How about the airport scandal in Greece? How come in every scandal
that a country loses public money there is a German Industry involved?
And Yes, in 2010 your Councellor was threatening
Greece that if they don't oblige to their "lending program", She will
use Veto to throw them out of E.U. Now Greeks know that she can't do it, but
back in 2010, they signed everything Germany asked them. Same goes for Portugal.
Bad luck I assume. Overall our industry does pretty well but we arent
perfect either.And considering the amount of German involvement in its not that
If you politicians dont even read the damn treaties,
you got no onw to blame but yourselves. We could make your
life way more miserable and maybe even force you to quit but you would still
have to quit yourself.
"...you guys arent having an industry to speak of either. You
simply arent competitive." - That's not how the Union works my friend.
U are totally wrong. Not ALL countries in the union have the same industry, and
IT'S NOT about a competition. Southern countries weren't trying to be
competitive against Northern ones. North has heavy industry like vehicle
factories and machinery, South has agricultural benefits and energy
(electricity from wind and sun, oil and gas). That's why the Union was...
The problem is your work/products arent of equal value. And thats what I
meant with not competative and no industry to speak of. I didnt mean to imply
you have to start building cars. We make a big surplus because our products are
to cheap thanks to our undervalued currency, while your products are too
expensive because the Euro is still overrated for your needs. And thats exactly
how the Union "works" at the moment even if it wasnt intended this way.
...formed. So they could "exchange" their industry products
and become a complete, self-sufficient economy that is more competitive against
Northen American economy or Asian...
But that's how North was thinking since this Union
formed. They always thought that we are 2 sides, North and South. Since the
1990's they say the same things, blaming southern countries for
everything. Especially Germany. This is not a Union my friend, this is
keep sleeping....good german helper of the poor people of Europe.i will
wake u up when u are also bankrupt!
P.S. Worst race ever existed on this
planet at least with the historical facts that we have.3rd time in 100 years
those people try to start a war only this time is not with guns (we are in 21st
century anyway) so they have been little bit more clever
With all the loans we are giving to unreliable people that will probably
happen rather soon. But hey at least your gratitude warms our hearts.
PS You have a rather odd perception of war. You are
asking us for help and it doesnt come for free. Instead of bitching against us,
you should demand from your government to build proper structures and start
taxing the rich accordingly.
gratitude?????u say thank u to the banksharks when u go there
to lend money and pay them back with INTEREST????thank u for what??????
and in this situation things are a bit different my german fellow.when
greek goverment in the beginning of this centurry fixed the numbers
in order to come inside the currency germany WAS ALL AWARE OF THAT (the reason
is pretty obvious why they did it.TIP: check the export profits after 2001 came
to germany from products sent to greece in comparison to previous years).
so now germany try to save ITS OWN ASS AND
ONLY.nothing more nothing less
P.S. gratitude??i still laugh literally.
there are so many things i would like to say to you but really
i am so bored trying to type them in a box in youtube.GOOD LUCK and have a NICE
LIFE with greek money earnt after hard work!
Παρα πολυ ωραιο και σιγουρα σχεδοσ ταυτοσημο και μετην δικια μας
λαμογια γερμανοι
prwta pes kai gia ta lamogia tous ellhnes gia na eisai dikaios omws. oi germanoi
kalws h kakws to sumferon tous koitane. oi ellhnes mporoun na poun pws ekanan
oti kalutero mporousan gia th xwra tous?
Αμαν πια με αυτη την καραμελα με τα λαμογια τους Ελληνες..
Πολυ δηθεν και καλα την εχετε δει...
Μας γ…νε μερα νυχτα χωρις να φταιμε και δεν
σηκωνουμε κεφαλι και πεταγονται καποιες π…ες και λενε την παπαρια αυτη...
Ας τιμωρησουνε αυτους που φταινε και οχι τις νεες
γενιες πλεον ειναι καταδικασμενες πριν καν γεννηθουν...
Καραγκιοζη εεε καραγκιοζη!!
oi ellhnikes genies einai katadikasmenes opws les logw twn epilogwn twn
prohgoumenwn geniwn ellhnwn. oso gia thn timwria pou les, egw de blepw na
timwreitai kanenas upeu8unos. anti8eta tous eipan kai mprabo me to na tous
pshfizoun xana kai xana. 8eli arxidia gia na paradextoume thn alh8eia. panta
boleuei na ftaiei kapoios allos (germanoi, ebraioi, exwghinoi, tourkoi ktl).
giauto einai eukolo kai gia esena na me peis tourkosporo anti na katsis na
skeftis pente pramata. klasikos ellhnaras dhladh.
die Portugiesen haben das Projekt EUROPA immer als ein
solidarisches Projekt gesehen. Genau darum geht's
mpravo ston uploader!
Πραγματικά απίστετο βίντεο !!!!
Να' σαι καλά φίλε uploader για την προσφορά σου
και τον κόπο σου να το μεταφράσεις.
καταλαβαινω θελω να προσπαθησω μονος τοτε αφου μαθαινω γερμανικα και αν
εχω καπου προβλημα θα σου πω. Εχει πολυ καλο λεξιλογιο για μενα! ευχαριστω
Άν έχεις πρόβλημα, ευχαρίστως να βοηθήσω.
· μηπως μπορει κανεις να μου στειλει η να
γραψει στα γερμανικα τα λογια του εκφωνητη. Θα με ενδιεφερε! Πολυ ενδιαφέρον
Θα μπορούσα να το κάνω... αλλά χρειάζεται μερικές ώρες δουλειά... Άν
χρειάζεται για κάτι ουσιαστικό, να τις αφιερώσω, αλλιώς... λυπάμαι, αλλά δεν
μου περισεύει χρόνος.
μπορει να το κάνω εγώ, αλλα και εγώ έχω περιορισμένο χρόνο ;(
Αν εχεις χρόνο κάνε το πρωτο 1 λεπτο αλλιώς θα προσπαθησω και θα σας το
στειλω να το ριξετε μια ματια! ευχαριστω πολυ!
μακάρι να δει αυτό το βίντεο ο γερμανικός λαός!!
καλε μου φιλε λες να τους νιαζει!!!
απλα τα πραματα.... ο χιτλερ ζει αλλα ''καθαριζει''
αλιως με πιο μοντερνο τροπο !!!
Μπράβο, εξαιρετικά ενημερωτικό.
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