Δευτέρα 28 Μαΐου 2012

Τα έψαλε στην εκπρόσωπο του διεθνους καπιταλισμού κα Λαγκάρντ

Κρίστιν Λαγκαρντ, εκπρόσωπος του ΔΝΤ.

Αυτή τη φορά ήμουν ευγενικός, λέει ο Βαγγέλης Μαυρομάτης από την Πάτρα, ο οποίος τα έψαλε στην εκπρόσωπο του ΔΝΤ, καθώς έστειλε την παρακάτω επιστολή προς την κα. Λαγκάρντ:

Dear Mrs Lagard
I would like to point out some points that you should pay more attention when you are making statements for the proud Greek people that they suffer 3 years now.
1. The Majority of Greek population are working in private sector, in public sector, or they are retired. Every month the tax that must be payed is held upon each monthly payment, therefore the Greek people are paying their taxes 100%.
2. Who is not paying the taxes? where did the money went? a) The politicians in cooperation with German and French companies have taken the biggest part (i kindly remind you : Siemens - Ferostal - Armored tanks - planes - submarines - defected trains..etc)
b) the 10% of the rich people that they have never pay any tax in this country in combination with their Government friends, in fact some of them are presenting themselves as "poor"
3. Greece is a European country and its people is the most hard working ones. They have prove beyond any reasonable doubt how much they do work if you just look how successful they are in all over the world.
4. Specially Germany cannot make any suggestions to us since : a) Germany in 1953 has made the same with her money and made payments depending on the growth.
b) Germany an their big companies have payed BLACK money in order to achieve sales in this poor state.
c) Germany has lost 2 presidents due to corruption
d) Germany must pay to Greece hundreds of billions of Euros for war compensations to us that they have never pay.
5. Instead of supporting the Greek people for this adventure that internal corrupted politicians together with European ones (specially Germans) have lead us, you are calling Greek people names.
6. Also please be so kind and note that
a) People are commuting suicide almost every day
b) People are looking in the garbage for food
c) Children are falling down in schools due to hunger
Where exactly is our difference from Nigeria?
And my last subject:
Illegal emigrants. We have already over the 25% of the population of illegal emigrants, where is Europe so many years? They have turn this country the garbage can of Europe.
That is all that i have to say hoping that you are clever and polite enough to understand that you must say "i'm sorry" to Greek people, not the politicians but the people and instead of calling them names you should send message of support.

Sincerely yours
A Greek / European Citizen

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